Saturday 16 August 2014

Sompoton ~ Sabah Traditional Music Instrument

Sompoton traditionally came from Kampung Tikolod, Tambunan, 80 kilometers east of Kota Kinabalu. Sompoton is a traditional Kadazan music instrument for the Dusun tribes.  The Sompoton is now prevalent among Dusuns and Muruts.   The Sompoton is a mouth organ that is similar to 'khene', a mouth organ from Laos.

It is made from a dried gourd with eight small bamboo sticks arranged in two layers.  The bamboos are inserted into holes drilled on the dried gourd.  Bee wax is used to attach the stems and to tighten area around it so that when a musician blows the Sompoton, it will not exit through the slit of the bamboo. 

Out of eight bamboos, one does not work but it is designed in such a way just to balance the position of the tool. Several small pieces of bamboo plates are placed on the bottom edges of each bamboo.  This is to produce sound of musical code that has been determined. 

To play the Sompoton, a musician can blow through the gourd while their fingers play around the holes of the bamboos by closing and opening it. This will make the instrument vibrate and produce tones with harmonious sound.  Sompoton can be played by individuals for personal entertainment or in groups to accompany dance performance.  Nowadays, Sompoton is often played in weddings and seasonal events.

For tourist, Sompoton can be a collection of souvenirs to bring back home.  You can easily find a Sompoton in souvenir shops around Kota Kinabalu.

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