Wednesday 13 August 2014

Barait ~ Sabah Traditional Basket

A Barait made from synthetic material
A Barait woven from sliced rattan

Barait is one of Sabah traditional handicraft.  In the olden days, the Sabah ethnics transported everything from fruits, to firewood, to padi stalks in these baskets strapped on their backs, leaving their hands free to carry even more load.  Barait is made from bamboo, rattan and bark. These baskets have now been adapted for more commercial demand and has evolved according to shifting uses and needs of contemporary life. 

The core group of basket makers is predominantly drawn from the older generation.  The knowledge of acquisition and transmission in the collection of plant, preparation and weaving techniques is now diminishing and eroding.  In fact, some basket objects have been substituted by modern wares that are more convenient or practical. Meanwhile other basket types have undergone a ‘makeover’, and are now made out of synthetic materials instead of plant resources. Another influence is the introduction of new types of basket from other ethnic groups in Sabah. This adaptation and transformation in basket is partly a result of increased accessibility to readily available goods in marketplaces.

A Barait with colored sliced rattan
Barait is a traditional basket weaves among the Murut communities of Sabah.  It is similar to a modern backpack.  Barait is made of rattan that grows near river banks and streams, however good quality resources especially rattan is now harder to find in the surrounding forests as they have been diminished by land clearing, forest fires and over harvesting.  The frame of the base and top of a Barait are made from either rattan or softwood.  Meanwhile,  the body, back straps and tying material are woven from rattan strips from various species of  Calamus, Korthalsia and other genera of Arecaceae.  However, as mentioned earlier, these plant materials are now being substituted with readily available synthetic materials (e.g. colored plastic strips). This saves on the time-consuming collection and preparation of the rattan. 

The process of weaving a Barait is tedious and depending on the intricacy of the design and motifs adopted.  Only few have the skills to weave a Barait and in fact this tradition of weaving a Barait is not being passed on to the younger generation. Weaving a Barait often takes about 3 to 7 days.

In the olden days, the barait was carried everywhere and is the constant companion of the Murut folks.  It is used to carry water containers to collect water from rivers for daily use or to carry paddy from paddy fields, to carry crops or hunted animals such as deer. Its role to the community is very significant. Barait is also very sturdy and lasting and one Barait can cost around RM70.00 above, depending on the size and the design. 

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